Vitamin C & Bromelain increase the absorption & bio-availability of Quercetin, which makes this product more powerful & effective.

Quercetin Plus works in Asthma

Quercetin plus block the secretion of inflammatory mediators like cytokines, leukotrienes & Histamines. Quercetin plus prevent inflammation in the airway (bronchi) thus provide ease in breathing in COPD and asthma-like conditions. Being an inflammatory Quercetin plus also reduces CRP levels.

Quercetin Plus as anti-viral

The Flavonoid Quercetin inhibits the entry of the virus into the human body cells.

Quercetin Plus as an anti-oxidant

Quercetin and vitamin C are powerful anti-oxidant. These Anti-oxidant eliminate harmful free radicals from the body and relieve the body from the excess load.

Quercetin Plus prevent Blood-clot

Enzyme Bromelain and Quercetin prevent clot formation and are helpful in dissolving clots, thus helpful in improving blood circulation.

Quercetin Plus good for heart and diabetic patient

Quercetin plus improves blood circulation, thus reducing blood pressure & also helpful in balancing blood sugar in diabetic patients.
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Quercetin Plus for Joint-Health

Quercetin plus has anti-inflammatory property which reduces Swelling & Tenderness in Joints.

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