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Mindful Eating : When Talking Talk, When Eating Eat!

23 Apr

Mindful Eating : When Talking Talk, When Eating Eat!

Focusing on the moment-to-moment feeling of eating (Mindful Eating) can assist you with improving your eating diet; you can well manage your food cravings, and even lose weight.

If we’re not paying attention when we’re eating, that’s going to make it very hard to eat healthily, isn’t it? Perhaps eating too much because we’re not listening to the body and noticing those feelings of fullness or satiety can lead to overeating. Here’s how to start eating mindfully.

Practicing mindful eating forces you to slow down, focus on the present moment, and notice what you’re really feeling. And when you repeatedly ask yourself, “How well do I feel after a meal or snack?” you’ll begin the process of gaining awareness of your own specific nutritional needs.

Mindful Eating: Listen to your Body

Mindful Eating

If you don’t listen to your body, and your body cues like what cravings you might have, or what actually works with your lifestyle and with that come to a lot of burden of chronic diseases, which are mostly driven by a sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. Like, if you don’t chew your food properly, it is not only bad for your dental health but also would lead to poor digestion and also poor absorption of vitamins and minerals in food.

To bring some mindfulness into your eating, you might just start by paying more attention to your body especially while you eat, noticing if you’re actually hungry or perhaps you’re eating because you’re stressed or emotional. And then when you’re eating, bring your full attention to the meal. Ditch the screens. Don’t bolt your food down, rather devote at least five minutes to mindful eating before you chat with your table-mates. Try to take smaller bites as it is easier to taste food completely when your mouth isn’t full.

When you Eating Mindful it can help you to:

  • Relieve Stress and anxiety
  • Healthier food choice in food
  • Improve Digestion
  • Eat-in a healthier, more balanced way.

“You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea.”
-Thích Nhất Hạnh

also read:- Key To Get In Better Shape: Intermittent Fasting

Jagdish Singh


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