6 Ways you can convert water into Super Water for healing
Super Water: In the age of modern medicines, where we run to medical stores to take a pill to cure even minor health issues, it’s better to call up your mother or grandmother and ask what they would do in the same condition.
Key To Get In Better Shape : Intermittent Fasting, let’s know about it
The Myth about Eating
Even before I started studying Foods and Nutrition, I was always under the impression that taking small and frequent meals is a key to a healthy life and developed a habit of snacking every 2-3 hours thinking that it is going to keep my metabolism high.
Weight Loss and Calories- If ‘Calories-In’ and ‘Calories-Out’ is the answer, why it is so hard?
Weight Loss and Calories:– So anyone can tell you that if you want to lose weight you need to eat less food and do more exercise. This advice is quite right, based on the principle that the body responds to its energy balance.
How Your Immunity Is Influenced By Your Upbringing ?
We’re living through times that many of us have never seen before. COVID 19 has taught us the importance of having a strong immunity. But what is immunity and how can we have a strong immune system?