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Home remedies for Heartburn/GERD/ Excess Acid with Ginger & Fennel

home remedies for heartburn
22 Apr

Home remedies for Heartburn/GERD/ Excess Acid with Ginger & Fennel

In spite of allopathic medication, herbs are always useful alternatives & traditional home remedies for Heartburn. The searing pain of heartburn may be a symptom of esophageal reflux disease (GERD), a digestive disease occurring when stomach acid moves into the esophagus.

What triggers GERD

GERD could also be caused by increased acid production, obesity, overeating, tight clothing, and a variety of other factors. If you’re pregnant, your heartburn might be happening as your growing baby places increased pressure on your stomach.

Herbs won’t cure your heartburn, but they will bring relief while you mapped out the underlying cause.

These are highly recommended recipes with simple herbs known as best home remedies for Heartburn, one with Ginger and the other with fennel & angelica. 

Herbs Tea for GERD / Heartburn

1. Fresh Ginger Tea

Makes 1 cup

Ginger improves blood flow throughout the body and may assist you to recover from heartburn faster. Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving capacities soothe your esophagus, which becomes irritated when it’s exposed to stomach acid.

1 cup boiling water
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger root

Pour the boiling water into an outsized mug. Add the ginger, cover the mug, and permit the tea to steep for 10 minutes.

Relax while drinking the tea slowly & also inhale the steam. Repeat up to fourfold per day whenever heartburn is a problem.

Precautions don’t use ginger if you’re taking prescription blood thinners, have
gallbladder disease, or have a bleeding disorder.

2. Fennel-Angelica Syrup -Home remedies for Heartburn

Makes 2 cups

Fennel and angelica improve blood flow throughout the alimentary canal and offer soothing comfort to an irritated esophagus while helping speed up digestion.

This syrup will keep for up to six months within the refrigerator.

1 ounce (29 grams) dried angelica
1 tablespoon fennel seeds
2 cups water
1 cup honey

1. during a saucepan, combine the herbs and water. Start making it on lower heat, cover partially with a lid, and wait until it reduces the liquid by half.

2. Now pour tea into a glass cup, & take out the remaining mixture through a dampened piece of cheesecloth & put it back into the saucepan, wringing the cheesecloth until no more liquid comes out.

3. Add the honey into the mixture and stirring constantly until it mixes well.

4. Pour the syrup into a sterilized jar or bottle and store it within the refrigerator.

Take 1 tablespoon orally 3 times per day until your heartburn symptoms subside.

Read also:- 6 Ways You Can Convert Water Into Super Water For Healing

Jagdish Singh


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